₦Sermon 50
(A sermon delivered in a fasting and prayer during the crisis in Egbeke community)“Return to me and I will return to you, says the Lord”— Mal 3:7.
God, at times can never come back to us unless we return to him, turn away from our wickedness. Our gathering today will yield a positive result because we have come to seek the Lord. God says: “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I’ll hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land”— 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Brethren, let us return to God by turning from our wicked ways.
Eli and his family were destroyed because they turned away from God. They feel that God does not exist and they no longer honour God in all their activities. The two sons of Eli — Hophni and Phinehas became rebellious by despising the offering and sacrifices of God and by raping the daughter of Zion who work for God (see 1 Samuel 2:12, 22). If we have despised God by saying nothing is happening, we need to return to him and ask for forgiveness. In a family, there’re people or parents just like Hophni and Phinehas who have turned from being priests of God to militants. It is now left for us the people of Egbeke and beyond to call our children and tell them to turn away from their evil ways to God. If not the ear that will hear what God is going to do to the wicked will tingle because God is about to punish the wicked who have made his children to be restless and sleepless.
Our land is polluted by our evil ways. A farmer can never again harvest what he/she has planted and the rich men in the land are afraid to come back home because there is devil on the cross. A time is coming when God is going to take away that devil on the cross and the ear that hears it will tingle.
Let us come back to God. He says: “If we can turn away from our wicked ways, He will heal our land because our land is polluted. When there is no peace in the land it means that the land is been polluted by our wickedness. Why should there be peace in the land when everybody has sold their bible to buy guns? Our children are now imitating what other communities that do not fear God are doing. There’s a lot of bloodshed in the land. In fact heaven is angry with us if we cannot use this dying minute to return to God for his forgiveness, many souls will perish. I pray that the ones who have clung to Jesus for security will find peace because God has spoken it that: “He will give you peace in the land and you will be able to sleep with no cause for fear” — Lev. 26:6. This promise is for them that love God. You see that no one sleeps again in our land because of the bad children which the good wombs of our mothers have given birth to. No one walks on the road, our daughters are being raped, houses are burnt and souls decimated. If the land can run, where will it run to? Where can we go from here? The only solution to this crisis in Etche land is by returning to God for him to return to us and rescue us from this drastic mayhem.
Somebody who is sick can never have the peace of the mind. Somebody who is penniless will not be happy within himself/herself. Also any nation that wars against other nation will not experience peace. Thus, the peace of God which he has solemnly promised to you is the peace of prosperity (Psalm 122:6-7) security (Psalm 4:8), absence of war (1 Samuel 7:3, 14) and of total healing of the ones who are sick and even their land.
When the Israelites were asked to return to God, they responded: “How can we return when we have never gone away”— Mal 3:7. Yes, some of us may ask such a stupid question. I call it a stupid question because we are blamed by our conscience that we have erred away from God and we pretend and claim that we are all righteous.
We have lost our true Christian identity and joined so many devilish cultisms that are making us to derail from God.
Egbeke was once known by the people of the whole world as a land of peace and no criminal could come to it without any body identifying such a hoodlum. But today, our new generation children born in the land have disappointed our God and our Christian ancestors who have sojourned in the land of dead waiting for the day of God’s perfect judgment. Remember that this land Egbeke will be judged for our wickedness. Are we like Sodom and Gomorrah? Yes because the peoples of Sodom and Gomorrah did not fear God and lived a life of sexual immorality which our children are doing today. Houses are being destroyed and burnt because the womb of a woman has given birth to children who are raging as a troubling sea against it that brought them out into this world. No respect again to our elders in the community, elders are now afraid of us because we carry guns and fortified our bodies with talisman and therefore feel like we are beyond destruction. Look I’m telling you now to return to God and if not, wait for your impending doom and destruction. May God help us to return to Him. Amen.
—————Meditation Point————————
“I’ll listen to what God the LORD says. For he’ll make peace with his people his faithful followers. Yet they must not return to their foolish ways”—Psalm 85:8. LORD, help us to return to you, amen
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