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₦Sermon 28
                            IS YOUR WEDDING GARMENT WASHED?
  “Blessed are those who wash their robes. They will be permitted to enter through   the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life”— Rev. 22:14 NLT
_                         Texts: Matt. 22:12-14, Rev. 2:14, and Rev. 22:12-14

Believers are to be in expectancy of the arrival of their bridegroom always because no one knows the hour the son of God will come. Therefore, we must be made whole by the blood of the lamb without any stain.

Wedding garments are garments reserved for the great feast and which every person must be clothed with. For this garment to be worn, it must be washed by the blood of the lamb and if it is stained, the participant is absolutely disqualified to partake in that great wedding feast while those whose robes are clean will be ushered in to the banquet hall.

Blessed are those who wash their robes!
Christ considers those who are pure in heart as the ones that will see God – Matt: 5:8. The robe is a symbol for heart. The Christians are blessed because they do not contaminate themselves with the affairs of the world. They are being washed by the blood of the lamb. They have been terribly persecuted and yet they did not soil their hands to take revenge on themselves; they’ve been unjustly treated and yet they did not retaliate. They are blessed because they keep the commandments of God. This means they are in expectation that Christ, the bridegroom will one day come for his bride – the believers.
We cannot, as a matter of fact, stand before God’s throne with our garments unwashed. We must abide by the principles of our Lord Jesus Christ’s teachings and what the scriptures say.
Those whose garments are washed are those who are persecuted because of the lamb, Jesus Christ. They are the ones who died in the great tribulation – Rev. 2:14 and therefore have the privilege to enter through the gates of the city and eat from the tree of life – Rev, 22.14. The city is the house of the bridegroom where every believer who’s married to Christ will spend eternity. But the unbelievers are thrown outside the city where dogs are found. Such unbelievers are the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshippers and all who live to tell lies, see Rev. 22:15. They’re conspicuously described as dogs because dogs are always dirty. It’s a metaphor to call men of this world dogs. It signifies the gruesome level of immorality to which the lives of men have degenerated into. It denotes appropriately how the sons and daughters of this world have used their bodies as a seed of immorality and of wickedness.
The scripture, Revelation 22:15 unfolds the fact that there are two places. Firstly, a place kept for those whose wedding garments are washed by the blood of the lamb and secondly, a place kept for those whose robes are not washed. The first place is for those who do what God wants. They endure hardship because of the gospel of the Lord. They endure many things which the people in the outside city of God cause them to suffer. While in the second place, the pleasure of this world has turned their hearts from knowing God and they love to worship graven images than their Creator.
Why our wedding garment is not yet washed?
We have been tangled with the affairs of the world. We have lots of business activities. We pay more attention to our farms and as a result, we have no time to stay with God. We have been carried away by the pleasures of the world. We see ourselves committing adultery – taking another man’s wife by force, telling lies and stealing. All these are signs that our hearts which are the garments of soul are being contaminated because from the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying and slander – Matt. 15:17-19. We need to repent and be washed by the blood of the lamb.
In the parable of the great wedding feast (Matt. 22:1-14), a king prepared a great wedding feast for his son. He sent his servants as the wedding banquet is ready to invite people and follow for the wedding feast but his invitation was ignored. Some people went to their business while some went to their farms. Others seized the messengers, insulted them and killed them. Then the king became angry and destroyed those murderers and their homes. He sent his servants again to invite people and they came including a man that was not wearing the proper cloths for the wedding feast. It might be that the man has seen what happened to other people who ignored the second invitation and decided to be in the wedding feast despite that he has no wedding garment at all or his own wedding garment was not washed. This is not wise. When the king saw him wearing not the proper wedding garment he ordered that the man should be thrown immediately to the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth – see Matt. 22:13.    

Brethren, let us try to keep to the expectation of Christ’s second coming. You’ve all seen what is happening in our society today. All these are the signs of end time and let it not cause you to wear a wedding garment that is not washed. For someone to wash his cloth, he is absolutely aware of where he’s wearing the cloth to. We do well to people because we know that God will reward us. We honour Him and have fellowship with the cup of his suffering because we know that we will equally live with him in his heavenly Kingdom to spend our eternity.

————Meditation Point————————
O God wash me and I will be clean and purge all my iniquities so that I may partake in that great wedding feast that is coming soon, this I ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, amen!


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