₦Sermon 19
(A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fortune Emerence Chinemerem Nwaiwu)
Text: Jonah 3:1-10, John 8:1-10
Some people usually make mistakes and wish to be given some opportunities once again to correct themselves, which nobody could passionably grant them. As we put our trust in God, there is a second chance for you. It does not matter the type of sin that you have committed; God is still calling you to come to Him because He is a God of Second Chance.
Jonah was ordained to minister to the people of Nineveh to repent from their wickedness but he ignored the call and went away to the port of Joppa and headed to Tarshish where he was arrested and intercepted by God. He was swallowed by a great fish.
Some people are today in the belly of fish because of their disobedience; some people are in the ocean of difficulties as a result of their total disregard of God’s calling. If you are such, there is still a second chance for you.
Jonah was given a second chance to deliver God’s message to the people of Nineveh. As a member in the church, if there is any way that you are not doing well to establish mutual and cordial relationship with Christ, there is still a second chance for you now that you are alive because there is no repentance in the shoal (grave)
There is second chance for the adulterers (Deut. 22:22, John 8:1-1). The bible says that “if a man is discovered committing adultery, both the man and the woman must die (Deut. 22:22).
In Christ’s time, an adulterous woman was brought to Him to give a final verdict. Instead of obeying the man-made law, grace prevailed. Christ asked, is there anyone who has not committed this kind of sin before and let him be the first to stone the woman, as he wrote on the ground. Before he could look out, the accusers of the woman were all gone, leaving her alone with Jesus Christ and He gave her a second chance to sin no more! Adulterers, God is warning you to commit adultery no more.
There was a second chance given to one of the notorious criminals who was crucified by the side of Jesus Christ. He repented and Christ promised him to be with Him in His Kingdom. What are you waiting for, criminals? What are you waiting for, you gossipers? What are you waiting for, you sinners? Come to God of second chance for heart cleansing and he will forgive you.
There is a second for those that:
A. Drink Alcohol: Wine produces mockers and leads to brawl (Prov. 20:1). Those who are led acting by drinks cannot be wise. It was unwise discussion for King Herod to order that John the Baptist be killed. He made a promise under the heavy influence of alcohol to give anything Herodias’ daughter would ask from him. As the girl ran back to her mother to ask what she would request from the King to give her, Herodias requested for the head of John the Baptist who was in the penitentiary. This horrid request displeased Herod. But what would he do? To evade the shame of a King saying a thing without executing it, he granted their dreadful request that John the Baptist should be beheaded. In those days a King’s word stood inflexibly and nothing would make him to alter it and that was why instead of him to denounce the validity of what he said to give to Herodias’ daughter whatever might proceed from her mouth, he foolishly allowed it to be. Thus, we need to stop drinking excessively and let us not allow alcohols to control us. At times we speak some despicable things under the influence of wine. If you’re such a person, there’s a second chance to you.
B. Oppress the orphans and widows: If you are a man that constantly oppresses widows or orphans, there’s still a second chance for you to repent. We may find ourselves oppressing the widows and orphans when we confiscate or take away their land and other things that belong to them. At times when a woman’s husband is dead, her brothers- in-law would try to repossess their brother’s inheritances by force. This is inimical and ungodly.
C. Worship idols: a man who worships idols is a foolish man. For he worships what he has created and abandoned the God that created him. God wants you to come back to your right senses and know that he is your creator. What if you die now can your idol take you to heaven? The only place it can take or lead you to is in hell fire. Therefore, there is still a second chance for you now because it is a commandment from our God saying: “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them”— Exodus 20:5.
D. Disobey their earthly parents: those of you that do not respect your parents are bringing untimely death into your souls because it has been written: Honour thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee”—Exodus 20:12.
E. Do not receive Christ as their Personal Saviour: If you have not given your life to Christ it’s better for you now to do so. There is still a second chance for you now. The bible says: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”— John 3:3.
F. Take bribes: For the godless are barren; their homes enriched through bribery will burn (Job 15:34). Bribery and corruption are very fecund and rampant in the society especially in higher institutions where lecturers frequently under compulsory take bribes in the name of sorting. Even they have gone to an extent by giving it a brandish name “drinking money”. Whether drinking money or sorting money what I know is that bribe is bribe and ladies should study hard and stop using their bodies to sort out their courses. If they obey, they will not have cases of carry overs again in their studies..
F. Murder: David, the one chosen to be a King, was a failure. He was guilty of both adultery, and murder. I think few of us would not give him a second chance to live but the God of Mercy gave him a second chance and he repented. David expressed his joy saying “Oh the happiness of the man whose transgression is forgiven”. Let us return to God, there is a second chance for our failures.
—————Meditation Point—————————
Lord I pray for you to come into my life and grant me a second chance in my business, marriage, professions and regain all my lost opportunities in my life to know you, amen!
(A Sermon Preached by Rev. Fortune Emerence Chinemerem Nwaiwu)
Text: Jonah 3:1-10, John 8:1-10
Some people usually make mistakes and wish to be given some opportunities once again to correct themselves, which nobody could passionably grant them. As we put our trust in God, there is a second chance for you. It does not matter the type of sin that you have committed; God is still calling you to come to Him because He is a God of Second Chance.
Jonah was ordained to minister to the people of Nineveh to repent from their wickedness but he ignored the call and went away to the port of Joppa and headed to Tarshish where he was arrested and intercepted by God. He was swallowed by a great fish.
Some people are today in the belly of fish because of their disobedience; some people are in the ocean of difficulties as a result of their total disregard of God’s calling. If you are such, there is still a second chance for you.
Jonah was given a second chance to deliver God’s message to the people of Nineveh. As a member in the church, if there is any way that you are not doing well to establish mutual and cordial relationship with Christ, there is still a second chance for you now that you are alive because there is no repentance in the shoal (grave)
There is second chance for the adulterers (Deut. 22:22, John 8:1-1). The bible says that “if a man is discovered committing adultery, both the man and the woman must die (Deut. 22:22).
In Christ’s time, an adulterous woman was brought to Him to give a final verdict. Instead of obeying the man-made law, grace prevailed. Christ asked, is there anyone who has not committed this kind of sin before and let him be the first to stone the woman, as he wrote on the ground. Before he could look out, the accusers of the woman were all gone, leaving her alone with Jesus Christ and He gave her a second chance to sin no more! Adulterers, God is warning you to commit adultery no more.
There was a second chance given to one of the notorious criminals who was crucified by the side of Jesus Christ. He repented and Christ promised him to be with Him in His Kingdom. What are you waiting for, criminals? What are you waiting for, you gossipers? What are you waiting for, you sinners? Come to God of second chance for heart cleansing and he will forgive you.
There is a second for those that:
A. Drink Alcohol: Wine produces mockers and leads to brawl (Prov. 20:1). Those who are led acting by drinks cannot be wise. It was unwise discussion for King Herod to order that John the Baptist be killed. He made a promise under the heavy influence of alcohol to give anything Herodias’ daughter would ask from him. As the girl ran back to her mother to ask what she would request from the King to give her, Herodias requested for the head of John the Baptist who was in the penitentiary. This horrid request displeased Herod. But what would he do? To evade the shame of a King saying a thing without executing it, he granted their dreadful request that John the Baptist should be beheaded. In those days a King’s word stood inflexibly and nothing would make him to alter it and that was why instead of him to denounce the validity of what he said to give to Herodias’ daughter whatever might proceed from her mouth, he foolishly allowed it to be. Thus, we need to stop drinking excessively and let us not allow alcohols to control us. At times we speak some despicable things under the influence of wine. If you’re such a person, there’s a second chance to you.
B. Oppress the orphans and widows: If you are a man that constantly oppresses widows or orphans, there’s still a second chance for you to repent. We may find ourselves oppressing the widows and orphans when we confiscate or take away their land and other things that belong to them. At times when a woman’s husband is dead, her brothers- in-law would try to repossess their brother’s inheritances by force. This is inimical and ungodly.
C. Worship idols: a man who worships idols is a foolish man. For he worships what he has created and abandoned the God that created him. God wants you to come back to your right senses and know that he is your creator. What if you die now can your idol take you to heaven? The only place it can take or lead you to is in hell fire. Therefore, there is still a second chance for you now because it is a commandment from our God saying: “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them”— Exodus 20:5.
D. Disobey their earthly parents: those of you that do not respect your parents are bringing untimely death into your souls because it has been written: Honour thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee”—Exodus 20:12.
E. Do not receive Christ as their Personal Saviour: If you have not given your life to Christ it’s better for you now to do so. There is still a second chance for you now. The bible says: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”— John 3:3.
F. Take bribes: For the godless are barren; their homes enriched through bribery will burn (Job 15:34). Bribery and corruption are very fecund and rampant in the society especially in higher institutions where lecturers frequently under compulsory take bribes in the name of sorting. Even they have gone to an extent by giving it a brandish name “drinking money”. Whether drinking money or sorting money what I know is that bribe is bribe and ladies should study hard and stop using their bodies to sort out their courses. If they obey, they will not have cases of carry overs again in their studies..
F. Murder: David, the one chosen to be a King, was a failure. He was guilty of both adultery, and murder. I think few of us would not give him a second chance to live but the God of Mercy gave him a second chance and he repented. David expressed his joy saying “Oh the happiness of the man whose transgression is forgiven”. Let us return to God, there is a second chance for our failures.
—————Meditation Point—————————
Lord I pray for you to come into my life and grant me a second chance in my business, marriage, professions and regain all my lost opportunities in my life to know you, amen!
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