₦Sermon 34
“And Jacob said: Sell me this day thy birth right” (Gen. 25:31)
Esau foolishly sells his birth-right, a photo designed by Mike Day in his LDS Scripture Teachings.
Texts: Gen. 25:27-34, Hebrew 12:16
Brethren, there is one tangible and visible thing I have discovered under the sun: So many people have compromised their faith for worldly things. I want to take you this moment to the story of Esau, how he thoughtlessly sold his birth right to his younger brother Esau.
Humanly speaking, Esau was the supposed man to be entrusted with the property and blessings of Isaac but he in fact despised them being the things of heaven. He took his birth right as a conventional thing without knowing that it was a thing that is heavenly designed and fully clad with the fruits of spiritual blessings. Thus; it was through the birth right Esau despised that the Messiah would come or born from. Consequently, for Esau selling his birth right to his younger brother Jacob, he indirectly sold all his heavenly blessings to him and which the Messiah did not come from his own family lineage again.
Esau was a hunter by profession and his father enjoyed the wild animals he came home with while Jacob stayed at home with his parents. As Esau went out for hunting, he came back hungry without any hunted animal that day. He saw Jacob cooking a Red Stew that boomed with a tantalizing aroma. He then pleaded with Jacob his younger brother to give him some to eat. Jacob asked him to trade him with his birth right. Esau says: Look, I’m dying of starvation what good is my birth right to me now!
From such a pathetic story of Esau and Jacob, we may deduce the fact that—
Hunger can make some weary and feeble minded Christians to trade their faith in Christ with worldly things. Some Priests today have joined politics because of hunger and when you ask them, they say it is written there in the scripture that when the righteous rules, the people rejoice. Such Priests that join politics are trading their calling to that of worldly pleasures because of hunger and the love of money.
I remember a family that was worshipping in one church and for the reason that the family was extremely poor and needed financial help, another church came and they demanded that ₦10, 000 should be given to them before they would be converted to another denomination. This family traded their Christian faith with money.
Though, I don’t know about you sitting down here what would make you to sell your Christian faith with worldly things.
Most women today, especially the married ones, often compromise their nuptial commitment with a token of ₦1, 000. They sell their marriage ring and covenant to men other than their husbands for money to make a living. But why do we foolishly attempt to sell our marriage vows to a man or woman? Is it because of financial upheaval that is responsible for us to trade our body for money? Please be faithful to your spouse.
Plainly speaking, any one that commits adultery has sold his/her wedding vows. Hunger is at times caused by Satan as to test our faith. That is why he came with a nice fruit of perdition from a tree that God warns us not to eat. We are told that Eve desires to know what kind of knowledge the fruit would give her. As a result, she sold her birth right of living eternally and brought death to the entire humanity. This shows how foolish we are to sell our right in God for a thing of this world. I want to tell you this very moment that whatever may bother us in life, we should not for any reason sell our birth right for anything because such birth right has some spiritual blessings.
We should learn a lesson from what Naboth did when King Ahab tried to induce him to sell his inherited land to him. Naboth says: “The Lord forbids that I should sell you my ancestral inheritance” 1 King 21:3.
Naboth was aware that the land is so important since his ancestors had not sold it in their own era. He reasoned very critically and his question would be why should he sell his ancestral inheritance at his own time? What if his ancestors sold it in their own time what would he have to sell? Therefore he vowed not to sell the land to anyone be it a king or whosever. But so many of us have sold our ancestral inheritance to make cases with people and if pastors say to us: “You have done wrong to sue your brother to court”. And we would most likely say “If that be the case, we will leave the church for them”.
Brethren, don’t be silly to sell your ancestral inheritance, be it land or anything. Because when we sell our birth right, we have some abrasive consequences. You will always be dependent on the one you sold your birthright because after Esau had sold his birthright to Jacob he suffered the blunt consequences.
Also, you’ll always be a servant to the person you sell it to and you will always beg for food. It’s just like when a land lord sells off his houses to his tenant; he’ll definitely become a tenant while his tenant becomes his land lord.
———Meditation Point—————————
May God forbid that we compromise our faith with worldly things. Amen!
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